Returning to communion with God after having been lost through sin is a process born of the grace of God and His concern for the salvation of humankind. One must ask for this precious gift of forgiveness for oneself. In this sacrament Jesus forgives our sins as soon as we are sorry. (1489)
The sacrament of Reconciliation requires contrition, confession and a purpose of amendment on the part of the individual, and absolution and acceptance on the part of the Church.
When we present ourselves for the sacrament we must be of open heart and open mind. We cannot change without coming to recognize where it is in our lives that we have sinned. We must first review our lives with complete honesty. Then we say aloud our sins before the priest who is acting in Persona Christi (in the person of Christ). The priest then gives absolution which takes away the sins but doesn't repair all the damage that sin may have caused. So in addition to contrition and confession, we are given a penance in order to make restitution or amends for our sins.
How to Go to Confession
Prepare to go to confession with a careful examination of conscience. How do we examine our conscience? We ask ourselves some questions, for example:
How to go to Confession*
*From: The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Confessions at St. Pius X are on Saturdays at 3:30 PM, Tuesdays from 6 PM to 7 PM, and by appointment. Please check the bulletin for extra confession times during Advent and Lent.
First Communion classes celebrate their First Reconciliation during January and February.